North Carolina artist Walter Creech was born in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, into a military family. At a young age he traveled from state to state and country to country. In the fourth grade he went to the Louvre in Paris where he saw some of the greatest art work in the world. This made a profound impression on the young artist who had started drawing at a very early age.
After his father’s tour in France was over, the family moved to the small town of Swepsonville in Alamance County, North Carolina, where he continued to develop his skills as an artist by drawing every day. Three years later, they moved to the community of Cedar Cliff, near Saxapahaw, North Carolina. This is where he fell in love with nature while canoeing the Haw River and hiking on his father’s farm as he spent countless hours observing nature and continuing to draw.
Walter did not create his first painting until his senior year of high school. He was greatly encouraged by his high school art teacher and other students to continue painting. Winning several awards for his art in high school gave a great boost to his confidence, for the young man had been fighting dyslexia since childhood. He often says that if it hadn’t been for dyslexia, he wouldn’t be an artist because the disorder helped him focus on his strengths.
Upon leaving high school, he attended Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, Florida, where he was an honor student. After graduating in 1977, Walter worked as an illustrator for 18 years, always knowing he wanted to create his own art full time. In 2000 he started a new career as a full-time fine artist. His choice to take a road less traveled has been a good one.
Creating much interest and winning several awards in the Southeast United States, his water color originals and limited edition prints are finding their way into private and corporate collections throughout the US and Europe.
Walter and his wife, Ann, have three children and three grandchildren. They live in Saxapahaw, North Carolina.